9 Projects Selected For Funding In The Second Round of the Ortaklaşa Grant Programme

In the second open call of Ortaklaşa Culture, Dialogue and Support Programme, 9 projects have been selected. The selected projects span various artistic disciplines and aim to contributing to the development of local cultural policies within their regions.

Local Cultural Ecosystem
in Türkiye


Sub-Grant Programme

Ortaklaşa Sub-Grant Programme aims to develop dialogue and collaborations between Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and municipalities working in the field of culture and arts activities in Turkey through joint projects. With a total budget of 1.3 million euros, the sub-grant programme will support culture and art projects developed jointly by NGOs and municipalities across different disciplines, space-based projects where a municipal space is transformed with the expertise and contribution of NGOs, and practical approaches that foster inclusive cultural planning and management.

Learning Programme

The Cultural Policy Studies Department of Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) has been creating an active discussion environment in the field of cultural management and policies in Turkey in recent years, in collaboration with national and international institutions and non-governmental organizations. In pursuit of this goal, it aims to strengthen cultural professionals throughout the country with its designed learning programmes, and diversify its stakeholder base through seminars, conferences, and workshops.

Dialogue Programme

Ortaklaşa Dialogue Programme encourages cultural professionals working for NGOs and municipalities to engage in dialogue and learn together in the fields of cultural policies and cultural management through a dialogue programme. As part of the programme, advocacy activities are conducted to foster participatory cultural policies, and seven roundtable meetings and seven search conferences are held around the question “what initiatives, mechanisms, and practices are needed to achieve a participatory, inclusive, equitable, and rights-based cultural ecosystem at the local level?”



Regional Round Table Meetings with 175 participants

Civil society representatives and municipal employees discuss local cultural policies


Search conferences with 350 participants

Focused on solutions and proposals that embrace diversity, equality, and inclusivity


Networking Meetings with 700 participants

Bringing together cultural professionals through online and face-to-face meetings