The İKSV Cultural Policy Studies Department conduct researches that focus on individuals’ rights to access, participate in, and contribute to cultural life, and supports all of the foundation’s activities with data-based studies. In this direction, it opens up its reports and policy texts for a discussion among cultural and art actors.
As part of the Ortaklaşa: Culture, Dialogue, and Support Programme, which is based on İKSV Cultural Policies Studies’ over 10 years of experience and knowledge in the field, a Field Research will be conducted to determine the current situation and needs of active civil society representatives in the culture and arts field throughout Türkiye, who are the target group of the project, as well as representatives working on culture and arts in local governments.
In the first phase of the research, in-depth interviews and focus group interviews will be conducted with active civil society organizations working in the field of culture and arts, and relevant public institution representatives. Later on, in order to take a general picture of the cultural sector in Türkiye, a survey will be conducted with the participation of active civil society organizations and public institutions representatives in the field of culture and arts throughout Türkiye. In addition, a public opinion survey will be conducted throughout Türkiye to determine the expectations of society from public institutions working in the field of culture and art, how much they can participate in the making of current policies, how much they are represented, how they are perceived and evaluated, the scope and impact of the activities resulting from these policies.
The results of the research will complete an important gap in Türkiye’s cultural ecosystem Along with that, including the main obstacles for public institution-civil society collaboration and the creation of participatory cultural policies a comprehensive analysis of the current situation will be carried out. Thus, it aims to enable relevant public institutions and CSOs to make the necessary improvements at the policy level and in their activities, based on the results of this research. The cultural policy report derived from the research is expected to be published at the end of this year.
Following the earthquake that took place in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 2023, field visits were planned to understand the current situation and needs of culture and art actors in the region and to follow the steps taken after the disaster and learn about their short-term plans. Based on the findings obtained from these field visits, the role of culture and art in times of crisis will be discussed, and international and national examples of cultural and artistic activities carried out in regions affected by similar natural disasters in different periods will be examined.
“Ortaklaşa: Culture, Dialogue and Support Programme aims to encourage culture professionals working in NGOs and municipalities to speak and learn together in the fields of cultural policies and cultural management with a dialogue programme. Within the scope of these dialogue programmes focusing on mutual learning, advocacy activities will be carried out on creating cultural policies. 7 roundtable meetings and 7 search conferences will be organized based on the question “what kind of initiatives, mechanisms, and practices are needed to achieve a participatory, inclusive, equal, and rights-based cultural ecosystem locally?”.
Ortaklaşa will produce knowledge to establish a more just, equal, inclusive, and participatory culture and art ecosystem with data-based policy recommendations. In the final year of the project, a cultural policy paper and roadmap will be developed and shared with the public based on the findings and experiences of the programme activities.
Throughout the project, relationships with institutions such as United Cities and Local Governments will also be maintained, and international good examples resulted from these dialogues will be shared with the target audience.
During the project, İKSV will conduct advocacy activities on participatory culture policy-making processes within public institutions by regularly sharing the project’s outputs and experiences with Ankara meetings.
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.